Operations Explorer

The Ops explorer tool below helps you quickly discover the input schemas for any Tray connector / trigger and it's operations.

Click on the next page in the sidebar to launch the tool in a new tab.

You can:

  • Visualize the full input/output schemas
  • Narrow down to only required fields
  • Find out the DDL operations within the schema
  • See the API operation name, description
  • Generate call connector payload with required fields

Instructions for using the app:

1 - Select Tray connector / trigger name from the dropdown
2 - Select the specific version of the connector / trigger, the latest version is selected by default.
3 - Select the connector / trigger operation you would like to explore
4 - Click the buttons to find out full schema or only required ones, you can easily find the DDLs as well.


This app only lets you explore schemas but can't be used for live testing. For testing the operations live, you should clone the Form Builder demo app locally and use it to test API calls.