Connector Tester tool

There are two versions of the Connector Tester tool:


Check out our Building a dynamic UI form tutorial for guidance on how the Form component of this tool was built to get you started with rendering your own forms using JSONschema of Tray's connectors!

The browser version

The browser version of the tool demonstrates the Connectors API in action.

It allows you to:

  1. See the input payload being built as you fill in the form for any connector operation. So you can see exactly how e.g. nested arrays are structured, what data types are involved etc.
  2. Submit the form to make an actual call and then view the response . This can be helpful for viewing how data is returned, which you might want to make use of downstream. It is also helpful for testing error responses from 3rd parties.

Crucially you can actually edit the input payload in order to test all possible success and failure responses coming from the 3rd party.

This should be of great assistance in helping you prepare for handling all possible errors in your integrations.

The local version

The local version of the tool uses a master_token and thus has some extended functionality.

The local version demonstrates Connectors and Users API in action.

  1. You can select existing or create new end users.
  2. It demonstrates how your End Users can create authentications and interact with input boxes and DDLs to directly access the power of connectors and their operations
  3. You can see the input payload being built as you fill in the form, which will allow you to see exactly how e.g. nested arrays are structured, what data types are involved etc.
  4. You can submit the form to make an actual call and then view the response . This can be helpful for viewing how data is returned, which you might want to make use of downstream. It is also helpful for testing error responses from 3rd parties