Single HTTP Quickstart


Follow composite quickstart if you are building up a Helper / Utility connector.

This is a follow up guide after Raw HTTP quickstarts. We will show you how to build a HTTP operation on a service connector.


Build a HTTP operation 'gettopratedmovies' using <a href="" target="blank">GET /top rated movies endpoint.


Follow the Raw HTTP (token) quickstart to complete the auth setup and deploy the TMDB connector with a Raw HTTP operation.

1. Add new operation

Add a new operation using:

tray-cdk connector add-operation get_top_rated_movies http

where get_top_rated_movies is the operation name and http is operation type.

This would add a new folder under src with the following files:


Now we are ready to modify these files to build our operation.

2. Configure operation files


This file will define the schema of the input that is needed for the operation

i.e. it will contain type definitions for any query, URI parameters or request body.

The input object should be blank as our endpoint does not require any inputs.

Here's the complete input.ts for your reference:

export type GetTopRatedMoviesInput = {};


This file will define the structure of the output that the operation returns.

For building the output schema we can use the JSON output from the API Try it step.

  "page": 1,
  "results": [
      "adult": false,
      "backdrop_path": "/tmU7GeKVybMWFButWEGl2M4GeiP.jpg",
      "genre_ids": [
      "id": 238,
      "original_language": "en",
      "original_title": "The Godfather",
      "overview": "Spanning the years 1945 to 1955, a chronicle of the fictional Italian-American Corleone crime family. When organized crime family patriarch, Vito Corleone barely survives an attempt on his life, his youngest son, Michael steps in to take care of the would-be killers, launching a campaign of bloody revenge.",
      "popularity": 95.013,
      "poster_path": "/3bhkrj58Vtu7enYsRolD1fZdja1.jpg",
      "release_date": "1972-03-14",
      "title": "The Godfather",
      "video": false,
      "vote_average": 8.7,
      "vote_count": 18651
    ...More movie records
  "total_pages": 576,
  "total_results": 11514

If you are familiar with Typescript, the above JSON would translate to the following types in Output.ts file:

//movie object
export type GetTopRatedMoviesObject = {
  adult: boolean,
  backdrop_path: string,
  genre_ids: number[],
  id: number,
  original_language: string,
  original_title: string,
  overview: string,
  popularity: number,
  poster_path: string,
  release_date: string,
  title: string,
  video: boolean,
  vote_average: number,
  vote_count: number,

export type GetTopRatedMoviesOutput = {
  page: number,
  results: GetTopRatedMoviesObject[], //array of movie objects
  total_pages: number,
  total_results: number,

You can copy paste the above snippet into your Output.ts.


This file will contain your main function that defines the operation.

Perform the following steps on this file:

  1. Replace the URL inside http.get() function with /3/movie/top_rated . This is cause we already defined the baseUrl in the global config file .
  2. Remove the line .addPathParameter('id', from the handleRequest function chain as our request doesn't need a URI parameter.
  3. The endpoint needs the bearer <token> to be passed as an Authorization header to the operation.

Since we are using a globalConfig, We don't have to pass the auth for the request separately

Here's the complete handler.ts code for your reference:

import { OperationHandlerSetup } from "@trayio/cdk-dsl/connector/operation/OperationHandlerSetup";
import { TmdbAuth } from "../TmdbAuth";
import { GetTopRatedMoviesInput } from "./input";
import { GetTopRatedMoviesOutput } from "./output";
import { globalConfigHttp } from "../GlobalConfig";

export const getTopRatedMoviesHandler = OperationHandlerSetup.configureHandler<
>((handler) =>
  handler.withGlobalConfiguration(globalConfigHttp).usingHttp((http) =>
      .handleRequest((_ctx, _input, request) => request.withoutBody())
      .handleResponse((_ctx, _input, response) => response.parseWithBodyAsJson())


This file will have functions that will be used to test your operation defined in handler.ts.

A simple test for this endpoint could be to check the total number of movies returned in the response.

As per the documentaion, the endpoint should return 20 movie objects by default.

We can test this with:


Here's the complete handler.test.ts code for your reference:

import { OperationHandlerTestSetup } from "@trayio/cdk-dsl/connector/operation/OperationHandlerTest";
import { OperationHandlerResult } from "@trayio/cdk-dsl/connector/operation/OperationHandler";
import { getTopRatedMoviesHandler } from "./handler";
import "@trayio/cdk-runtime/connector/operation/OperationHandlerTestRunner";

  (handlerTest) =>
      .testCase("should return 20 movies", (testCase) =>
          .when(() => ({}))
          .then(({ output }) => {
            // console.log(output);
            const outputValue = OperationHandlerResult.getSuccessfulValueOrFail(output);

3. Test the operation

You can test the operation now by:

tray-cdk connector test [OPERATION_NAME]

in our case this is, tray-cdk connector test get_top_rated_movies

> acme-tmdb@1.0.0 test
> jest --config ./jest.config.js "get_top_rated_movies"

 PASS  src/get_top_rated_movies/handler.test.ts
  Operation get_top_rated_movies Test
    ✓ should return 20 results (83 ms)

Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total
Tests:       1 passed, 1 total
Snapshots:   0 total
Time:        1.154 s, estimated 2 s
Ran all test suites matching /get_top_rated_movies/i.

You can also do npm test which will test all operations in the connector's directory.

In case your test results fail, you can visualize the actual API request that was made and the response that was received by logging either or both of them.

Here's how the handler function in handler.ts looks with logging enabled for both request and response:

export const getTopRatedMoviesHandler =
  OperationHandlerSetup.configureHandler<AcmeTmdbAuth, GetTopRatedMoviesInput, GetTopRatedMoviesOutput>((handler) =>
    handler.withGlobalConfiguration(globalConfigHttp).usingHttp((http) =>
        .handleRequest((ctx, input, request) => {
          console.log(request.withoutBody()) //log the API request to console before sending
          return request.withoutBody()
        .handleResponse((ctx, input, response) => {
          console.log(response) //log the API response to console
          return response.withBodyAsJson()

4. Deploy the connector


Before doing a deployment, you must request for a 'namespace'.

Please raise a support ticket to get one for your org.

A 'namespace' is a unique name for grouping Tray organizations. Once you have a 'namespace' you will be able to share connectors between different Tray organizations assigned to you (e.g. cross region deployments)

The connector is ready to be deployed. Follow the steps as shown on the Deployment API guide.

5. Test on Tray UI

Add the connector to a existing / new workflow.

Next Steps

You can build connectors using CDK now.

Refer to the auth and input pages for a full reference on different auth types and input panel configurations.