output.ts configuration
Introduction to the output.ts file
This file exports an object with fields that define the structure of the operation's output i.e. Output Schema.
Defining this will improve the UX when using the connector snake or JSONpaths on the Tray Builder UI.
What this file contains will depend on what you return from the operation in the handler.ts
Single HTTP operation
You may choose to retun the response as received by the 3rd party API Surfacing without any transformation.
In this case, you should first test the API through an API client and use the response to prepare the file.
Here is an example:
export const getTopRatedMoviesHandler = OperationHandlerSetup.configureHandler<
>((handler) =>
handler.withGlobalConfiguration(globalConfigHttp).usingHttp((http) =>
.handleRequest((_ctx, _input, request) => request.withoutBody())
.handleResponse((_ctx, _input, response) =>
type GetTopRatedMoviesObject = {
adult: boolean;
backdrop_path: string;
genre_ids: number[];
id: number;
original_language: string;
original_title: string;
overview: string;
popularity: number;
poster_path: string;
release_date: string;
title: string;
video: boolean;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
export type GetTopRatedMoviesOutput = {
page: number;
results: GetTopRatedMoviesObject[];
total_pages: number;
total_results: number;
Tranforming responses
You may transform the responses received by the 3rd party API. In this case, the content of output file will depend on what you are returning from handler.
Here is an example:
export const getTopRatedMoviesHandler = OperationHandlerSetup.configureHandler<
>((handler) =>
handler.withGlobalConfiguration(globalConfigHttp).usingHttp((http) =>
.handleRequest((_ctx, _input, request) => request.withoutBody())
.handleResponse((_ctx, _input, response) => {
// destructuring response
const { page, results, total_pages, total_results } = response.parseWithBodyAsJson();
// sending custom response
return {
page_number: page;
results: results.map(({id, title, overvie, vote_average, vote_count}) => ({
//mapping response and returning just 5 fields
id, title, overvie, vote_average, vote_count
total_pages: number;
total_results: number;
type GetTopRatedMoviesObject = {
id: number;
overview: string;
title: string;
vote_average: number;
vote_count: number;
export type GetTopRatedMoviesOutput = {
page_number: number;
results: GetTopRatedMoviesObject[];
total_pages: number;
total_results: number;
Composite operation
The content of the file will depend on what is being returned through the success
method of the OperationHandlerResult
in handler file.
Here is an example:
import TurndownService from "turndown";
// converts HTML to markdown using turndown
export const htmlToMarkdownHandler = OperationHandlerSetup.configureHandler<
>((handler) =>
handler.usingComposite(async (ctx, { htmlString }, invoke) => {
const turndownService = new TurndownService();
const markdownString = turndownService.turndown(htmlString);
// returns an object: { markdownString: "" }
return OperationHandlerResult.success({ markdownString });
export type HtmlToMarkdownOutput = {
markdownString: string;