auth.ts configuration


You don't need to configure this file if your conector does not need a user auth e.g. a helper / utility connector.

This file just defines the type of Auth that your service needs, all the authentication logic is handled by Tray in the service layer i.e. you don't need to write the logic to generate / refresh auth tokens.


The auth is tied to a service and hence the content of this file depends on what type of Auth is needed by the service.

Hence you need to create a Custom Service first. Follow the instructions on main docs to create the service.


Depending on the type of Service, you can configure the file in one of the following ways:

1. Token Based service


This should be used when the service uses auth tokens of some kind (e.g. JWT, Bearer).

You need to use TokenOperationHandlerAuth for services of this kind.

Here is an example of auth.ts file for TMDB service:

import { TokenOperationHandlerAuth } from "@trayio/cdk-dsl/connector/operation/OperationHandler";

export type UserAuth = {
    access_token: string

export type AppAuth = {};

export type TmdbAuth = TokenOperationHandlerAuth<UserAuth, AppAuth>;

2. OAuth2 service


Here is a very good resource about What is OAuth2 and how it works.

You need to use Oauth2OperationHandlerAuth for services of this kind.

Here is an example of auth.ts file for Spotify API's custom service:

import { Oauth2OperationHandlerAuth } from "@trayio/cdk-dsl/connector/operation/OperationHandler";

export type UserAuth = {
    access_token: string

export type AppAuth = {
    client_id: string,
    client_secret: string,
    auth_url: string,
    token_url: string,
    scopes: string

export type SpotifyAuth = Oauth2OperationHandlerAuth<UserAuth, AppAuth>;

You can also use the specific handlers for following grant types of OAuth2 services:

2.1 Client credentials grant flow


You can read more about this grant type here.

You need to use Oauth2ClientCredentialsOperationHandlerAuth for services of this kind.

2.2 Password grant flow


You can read more about this grant type here.

You need to use Oauth2PasswordOperationHandlerAuth for services of this kind.

3. OAuth1 service


OAuth1 is rarely used by services. Here is a very good resource about OAuth1 and how does it works.

You need to use Oauth1OperationHandlerAuth for services of this kind.